Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 6: Barcelona Begins

Today we left Paris at 9:15 and landed in Barcelona a bout an hour later. Immediately you could tell a difference between the cities. Barcelona seems to be more relaxed than Paris. Barcelona seems to be more realistic. The buildings do not look like they were punched out of a cookie cutter, and the citizens do not look like models. The sidewalks are over twice  the size of those in Paris, and the traffic seems to have more order. So as far as the physical aspects of Barcelona, I like it more than Paris.

After we landed we went straight to the Hotel Azul to get our rooms. Once inside I knew that our rooming situation would be nothing like in Paris. The rooms are actually about the size of a typical hotel room in the states, there are more than just two electrical outlets per room, and the wifi is fast enough to talk with your family. All in all our hotel is very nice.

We then grouped up to walk down the Rambla. The Rambla is a long stretch of road that has a lot of shop vendors, tourists, and, of course, pickpockets. Most of all, it has a large market where fresh  fruit, fish, and ham are sold for very reasonable prices. I am so excited to go back there soon and buy some more food!

Eventually we came to the end of the Rambla and arrived at the Mediterranean Sea! It was really neat to see all the sailboats moving around the docks. We fed the seagulls, and just enjoyed the weather, which was a wonderful 80 degrees.

I am so excited to be in Spain because I am able to better communicate with the people. I was able to ask a security guard where an ATM was even though he barely spoke English. I am sure that my extremely limited Spanish ability will come in handy during this leg of the trip.

Tomorrow I am not sure what is going on, but I am sure it is going to be a blast! I am going to do my best to keep you guys better updated on the events of my trip!

Hasta Luego!


  1. Have chocolate e churros for me!

    1. I will! I'm going to try and make up for not getting the macaroons that I wanted!
